Carbon Tax

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What's your take on this new BC carbon tax? For it or against it? To me, the environment has become an excuse to raise gasoline taxes... Just another tax grab by a greedy government. This tax will hurt the economy. Everybody has to drive. Hurts low income earners the most. Are British Columbians going to willingly pay this?
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Sir Purrcival
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Well, if you wanted to provide an inducement for people to take themselves south of the border, this will do it. In these days of increased US buying power, sure, lets hop in the car and go fill up, oh and while we are at it, lets get some milk, bread, clothes what have you.

What I don't understand is this. Why not exempt BC Ferries and Transit? I mean, transit particularly should be exempt. Isn't the goal to get us to drive less? You drive up the price of fuel but you make it more likely that transit fares will have to go up again due to increased fuel costs. BC Ferries is already fifty bucks a shot. How long before those rates adjust to deal with this tax. Last but not least, the trucking industry basically carts everything in this province. Who is going to pay the increased costs of shipping. You betcha, joe consumer. Now for Joe Blow who drives his car everyday from Langley to downtown, I don't have as much compassion. We do take our cars for granted and use them when often we could do otherwise but for Chr@#$ sake, if the goal is to make us consume less, then try and encourage the alternatives by helping them to control costs.
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I say to you that you've been duped by your provincial government. Why not exempt the trucking industry, ferries & transit? Simple, because it is a tax. It's all about grabbing the money out of your pocket, not about making you drive less.
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I also love the extra $50M that's going towards oil and gas production subsidies :no: Here's an idea-if the BC government REALLY wants us to be "green", then how about putting money into alternative fuel development, like hydrogen fuel cells, ethanol, battery development for electric cars and whatnot? I'll tell you something else-my $100 guilt cheque better damn well be printed on recycled paper, or Carole Taylor's getting it back. If it is, I'm using the whole GD thing to fill up my car because this carbon tax is just lip service to make the BC government look good, and they're not REALLY serious about being green. At the prices they're going to force us to pay, $100 should just about do it. And until BC Transit comes up with a viable, reliable, logical transit system that is based on actual population needs, and not what they think we need, I'll be driving thank you.
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I disagree.

All provincial politicians of all stripes LIVE to make sure that their constituents have the best of everything. As a matter of fact, I have heard that these MLAs have no pension plan whatsoever, are paid minimum wage (some rookie MLAS even getting the $6 below minimum "starting wage") but do get bus passes in order to get to work.

None of these fine representatives would ever think of compromising their belief in the sanctity of the constituent, nor would they ever use political office for any sort of personal gain. These people are saints, just waiting for canonization from the Holy Father in Rome.

So no dissin' dese dudes and dudettes, yo.

Seriously, I am saddened that the ONE politician that I had any respect for (Carole Taylor) outright lied to us this week about becoming a greenie. One more proof that there are NO politicians that won't lie for any given reason.
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I was at the legislature for the Throne speech last week and guess what Ms. Taylor drives. I nice shiny speedy, Beemer. Not a hybrid or anything else. She even gets to park right next to the legislature buidling. She doesn't even have to walk from the Gosh Darn parking lot!

As for being duped, perhaps, but even at that, I suppose it is doing something. I wouldn't be too smug Iso. Alberta doesn't really have too much to be proud of when it comes to trying to "green up". Your whole mentality is about cars and more cars. Transit doesn't even really show up on your radar and that is pretty shameful too!
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Sir Purrcival wrote:Well, if you wanted to provide an inducement for people to take themselves south of the border, this will do it.
I hate to say it but that is a pretty accurate statement.

Washington state has no state income tax, and no bottle deposit. I know there are many other factors such as health care costs, but those are just two examples.

Here we are adding a 'carbon tax', yet we already have gasoline taxes! And you pay PST on your gas.

So now the provincial government is levying three (3) taxes on gasoline, diesel and other fuels. I am not sure if the Translink tax is separate, if it is then that is 4 taxes.

You probably won't see a mass exodus, because the economy is doing well so taxes are not a big issue when people have jobs. But come a downturn I bet you'll see youth going to Washington, Alberta and other areas. If you can have a job, pay less taxes and consequently enjoy a higher quality of life..why not?
CatsEyes wrote:how about putting money into alternative fuel development, like hydrogen fuel cells, ethanol, battery development for electric cars and whatnot?
I know you know this CatsEyes..but why have the government pick winners? Let the market shape demand for the next big fuel. Gasoline did not need any government-inducements to get off the ground, IIRC.
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MacNews wrote: I know you know this CatsEyes..but why have the government pick winners? Let the market shape demand for the next big fuel. Gasoline did not need any government-inducements to get off the ground, IIRC.
Oh, I'm sure the market WILL shape the demand, but I'm highly doubtful that the government will ignore the siren song of Big Oil. Like it or not, people will NOT be getting out of their cars, so they should have viable fuel alternatives instead of taxing the hell out of the one they have. I still question why so much money is being funneled into oil and gas production, if they're so serious about going green. Oh, and if Ms. Taylor is driving a Beemer, she should familiarize herself with BC Transit because her car will be spending a lot of time here:

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MacNews wrote:
Sir Purrcival wrote:Well, if you wanted to provide an inducement for people to take themselves south of the border, this will do it.
I hate to say it but that is a pretty accurate statement.

Washington state has no state income tax, and no bottle deposit. I know there are many other factors such as health care costs, but those are just two examples.

Here we are adding a 'carbon tax', yet we already have gasoline taxes! And you pay PST on your gas.

So now the provincial government is levying three (3) taxes on gasoline, diesel and other fuels. I am not sure if the Translink tax is separate, if it is then that is 4 taxes.

You probably won't see a mass exodus, because the economy is doing well so taxes are not a big issue when people have jobs. But come a downturn I bet you'll see youth going to Washington, Alberta and other areas. If you can have a job, pay less taxes and consequently enjoy a higher quality of life..why not?
CatsEyes wrote:how about putting money into alternative fuel development, like hydrogen fuel cells, ethanol, battery development for electric cars and whatnot?
I know you know this CatsEyes..but why have the government pick winners? Let the market shape demand for the next big fuel. Gasoline did not need any government-inducements to get off the ground, IIRC.
I go to Portland, Oregon quite a bit with my son (about 3 times a year) & we like to go thru BC to Vancouver & then south to Portland on I-5. Going south from Calgary thru Cranbrook to Spokane, Tri Cities to Portland saves about 4 or 5 hours & about one gas fill. NO damn way I'm giving my money to the politicians in BC. I choose to spend my money elsewhere from now on, not in BC.

Sir Purrcival wrote:I was at the legislature for the Throne speech last week and guess what Ms. Taylor drives. I nice shiny speedy, Beemer. Not a hybrid or anything else. She even gets to park right next to the legislature buidling. She doesn't even have to walk from the Gosh Darn parking lot!

As for being duped, perhaps, but even at that, I suppose it is doing something. I wouldn't be too smug Iso. Alberta doesn't really have too much to be proud of when it comes to trying to "green up". Your whole mentality is about cars and more cars. Transit doesn't even really show up on your radar and that is pretty shameful too!
How is it "doing something"??? This is nothing but a regressive (disguised) consumption tax aimed at almost evey area of society. Like I said, now it's okay for governments to use the environment as an excuse to get even more $$$ from gasoline. You think this'd fly if Taylor just said a 2.4 cent a litre gas tax comes into effect on July 1st just to add more revenues to the BC government's endless hole in its pocket?? Not a chance.
This is an unfair tax because it targets people regardless of income. The politicians like Carole Taylor are so self righteous by trying to be society's conscience & trying to tell everyone what to do & how to think about the environment... She drives a Beemer, for gosh sakes. Besides we also know it is you taxpayers in BC who give her free gas to drive. You think she yses one penny out of her pocket to fill her car??? Not likely.
She'll say in retort that she'll just purchase some credits to make up for her gas useage & carbon footprint. Her conscience will be clear even though she is doing nothing about the environment herself . But, you see... she can afford it.
What about lower income earners with older cars? They are the ones being hit hardest. They can't afford new cars or don't qualify for a bank loan or a lease. They HAVE to drive an older vehicle... This is an unfair regressive tax.
Until mass transit in Calgary is 24 hours a day with C Trains & buses running on time everywhere every 10 minutes, why the hell should I NOT drive my car? In other words, billions of dollars of transit funds have to be infused into the system. Until that happens (& it won't), nobody in Calgary will take the train or bus unless they are forced to.
You have to live in Calgary to know just how bad transit service is. Buses not showing up at all at their stops leaving people stranded at C Train stations or bus stops. Buses chronically late... People being packed in like sardines into buses & C Trains. Three murders at C Train stations in the past year. Muggings, rapes, robberies, & drug deals going on in broad daylight... It's so bad for crime that the Calgary City Police now ride one leg of the C Train from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m everyday. Of course, what'll that do?? Just drive all the crime & vermin to the other legs of our wonderful C Train system. Yeah, mass transit in Calgary... It's so great.
Hey, ever thought that YOU (& by YOU I mean everyone in BC) ...are contributing to global warming by ordering take out food that is delivered to your door? I'm sure pizza delivery to your door is next on the political hit list now that drive thrus are considered "evil" in BC. Think about that next time you want some Chinese food at 11 p.m. on a Saturday night...
Last edited by iso_55 on Sat Feb 23, 2008 7:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Just to add... Why should someone like me living in Calgary worry about a carbon tax in BC? Because I know that your Premier Gordon Campbell & his Finance Minister Carole Taylor have now opened up the Pandora's Box for every other political jusrisdiction to do the same thing. From municipal governments right on up to the feds... You think Stephane Dion's Liberals aren't watching this & going "cha ching, cha ching"?? The federal Liberals get in & you know a carbon tax will be the very first thing on that little socialist's agenda.
And the way Harper is trying to please everyone & cowtowing to Eastern Canada like the Golden Horseshoe & Quebec to get votes, he's liable to do the same thing himself. Yep. This is just the beginning, I bet.
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You kinda make part of my point Iso. Maybe we are dupes for voting this government in although the alternative hasn't really shown itself to be much better in the past but at least they are talking about environment. What is your provincial or various civic governments doing? Pretty much nothing! I know what transit is like in Calgary, it is appalling like you describe. Why is that. You would think that every modern, industrialized city would try at least to provide a half decent transit system. Instead, what I have seen is a pell mell rush to double, triple, quadruple lane highways all over the province. That is where your provinces mind set is. Environment, bahh, who cares. Now maybe this tax isn't the way to do it but honestly, Alberta doesn't even bother to try and now is the time. You have the money, you have the ability, there is just a "who needs it attitude". The way Calgary is growing, you folks may well rue the day when you had the chance to create the infrastructure and didn't. The day when gas is two bucks a litre, your commutes are 2 hours long and those highways that you've doubled and tripled require twice the maintenance. Remember what happened in your province when the Oil industry crashed a couple of decades ago. Well that time could come again eventually.
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Sir Purrcival wrote:You kinda make part of my point Iso. Maybe we are dupes for voting this government in although the alternative hasn't really shown itself to be much better in the past but at least they are talking about environment. What is your provincial or various civic governments doing? Pretty much nothing! I know what transit is like in Calgary, it is appalling like you describe. Why is that. You would think that every modern, industrialized city would try at least to provide a half decent transit system. Instead, what I have seen is a pell mell rush to double, triple, quadruple lane highways all over the province. That is where your provinces mind set is. Environment, bahh, who cares. Now maybe this tax isn't the way to do it but honestly, Alberta doesn't even bother to try and now is the time. You have the money, you have the ability, there is just a "who needs it attitude". The way Calgary is growing, you folks may well rue the day when you had the chance to create the infrastructure and didn't. The day when gas is two bucks a litre, your commutes are 2 hours long and those highways that you've doubled and tripled require twice the maintenance. Remember what happened in your province when the Oil industry crashed a couple of decades ago. Well that time could come again eventually.
Believe me, SP... When I say "dupes", I don't mean BC voters are born suckers. Hell, we are all dupes to politicians by believing what we think they are saying. It's the same everywhere. Whether you live in Vancouver, Port Coquitlam, Richmond, Vernon, Calgary or Edmonton. We all get duped by politicians saying things we want to hear and then doing whatever they want once they get into office. I'm just as much of a dupe as anyone else.
SP, we here in Alberta ask the same questions you do... In a province that is projected to have a minimum $4.5 billion dollar surplus, why aren't things better? Why are waits at hospitals hours & hours long, why is homelessness such an issue, why are rents so high, why is education, infrastructure & health care underfunded?? Why is our quality of life worse now than it was 5 years ago?
I think a vast majority of Albertans want change BUT... if you saw our opposition political leaders you'd know why the Tories here with an absolutely horrible leader will probably win the provincial election next week. This is not a happy province despite what you hear.
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Well, here is to all of us dupes :beer:
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