anti wide screen rant\vent\whatever

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whats with people anyhow? everybody is like sheep. someone says this is the latest, everybody got to have it, nobody questions if it really is a good thing. some people in paris fashion industry say this is latest style, and people just go for it, people let others tell them what is good. why? why do people mostly seem to want to change all the time? every yr, different style, different clothes, different auto design, etc. why can't people just be happy with what is good? why does what is good today have to be no good tomorrow?

I hate wide screen. we dont look at the world with perifial vision that is twice as wide as it is high. it is not natural. fine, if somebody really wants that, their choice, but now, my choice not to is taken from me. cant buy large regular tv anymore. tv stations broadcasting in "new' format so that I get black at top and bottom. this is crap. everybody wants the "new" tv because somebody decided this was good.... and the sheep bleet.

I paid for my tv, a lot. I paid for the products advertised. I pay cable and digital. I deserve the right to continue to see full pictures on my full picture tube. Damn everybody for being sheep and changing the market away from what was. :x :x :x :x :x
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I totally agree. It's so called "progress" to have the latest widescreen TV, fashions, electronic gadgets.
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ahhh ummmm hate to break it to you but WIDESCREEN has been around for a LOOONNNGGG time. The only thing "new" is the ability to have it in your own home.

Movies (pretty much inception) have been filmed in "widescreen" version. That is why you actually miss much of the film when you watch it on your regular set - much of the cinematography has been cut off.

There was a little vignette I watched on some channel where they compared "formatted to fit your TV" versus widescreen for some of the real classic and epic films that have been made. Holy cow what a difference! Talk about missing half the show. Well maybe not half, 28.2% of the original image is lost in the pan-and-scan (formatted) version.

One movie that really stood out for me was the old classic Western film - How the West Was Won. Talk about two different films.

Now when I buy DVD's I ONLY buy the widescreen format. I want to see the WHOLE show! Otherwise it's like only watching 2/3 of the movie, and who wants to watch 2/3 of a movie and then stop watching? Sorry, but I paid for the WHOLE movie I want to see the whole movie.
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proof again that ignorance is bliss. I never felt I was missing anything before. Whatever I wasnt seeing, I didnt know about and didnt miss. Now, however, I do feel I am missing something when I see black at the top and bottom of my screen. The thing is, we should all have a choice. The tv stations should be required to send a different signal for wide screen on a different station number, like some do for HD. I should not be forced to only get wide screen which is the way it is heading. In fact, I am seriously thinking of trying to sue for this.

I invested almost 2 grand for my present TV a few yrs ago before the prices plummeted. I dont mind that I paid so much, but I do mind that I am starting to not get my monies worth. I certainly am not about to run out and buy another expensive new one, specially when my in-laws have a wide screen and I just cant stand it.
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Sorry, but I paid for the WHOLE movie I want to see the whole movie.
Actually, no you didnt, not as far as tv stations go. All these yrs that you have been watching and buying tv, you knew what format you were getting and you never, until recently, expected otherwise. You paid for old tv format and accepted that it was not the same as theatre. Now that you can buy wide screen and watch wide screen, you may expect to get wide screen format from the tv stations, but it should not be at the expense of those of us who do not want it, or maybe cannot afford to run out and replace our expensive tv's.

TV station should be sending out duel signals on duel stations until such time as it is hard to find regular tv's in anyones home. I would suggest at least 20-25 yrs from now. Or better yet, they should come up with the technology to transmit both formats at the same time in the same signal so that reg\old tvs still see it the same way, but the newer wide screen tvs should be able to recognize and show which ever one the viewer chooses. Ie, a 56 inch wide screen converts to say a 32 inch reg, without damaging the screen.
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Man, am I with you on that KIA! :rockin: Ask SM some time how much I LOVE movies in widescreen. :roll: He's tried to convince me otherwise, but it just bugs me to see nothing at the top and nothing at the bottom of the screen. It makes me think I'm missing something. I want the whole damn picture! So count me among the full screen dinosaurs. *Digs feet into the ground*
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KnowItAll wrote:they should come up with the technology to transmit both formats at the same time in the same signal so that reg\old tvs still see it the same way, but the newer wide screen tvs should be able to recognize and show which ever one the viewer chooses. Ie, a 56 inch wide screen converts to say a 32 inch reg, without damaging the screen.
Watching a widescreen dvd on a standard tv just looks funny. Widescreen dvds were made for widescreen tvs. Movie studios are the only ones pandering to the minority.

If y'all are all against widescreen tvs, does that mean you haven't seen a movie in a theatre ever?
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Canuck_4_Life wrote:
KnowItAll wrote:they should come up with the technology to transmit both formats at the same time in the same signal so that reg\old tvs still see it the same way, but the newer wide screen tvs should be able to recognize and show which ever one the viewer chooses. Ie, a 56 inch wide screen converts to say a 32 inch reg, without damaging the screen.
Watching a widescreen dvd on a standard tv just looks funny. Widescreen dvds were made for widescreen tvs. Movie studios are the only ones pandering to the minority.

If y'all are all against widescreen tvs, does that mean you haven't seen a movie in a theatre ever?
I dont go much, specially in recent yrs. Probably averaged two a yr during my teens and twenties and about one every 5 yrs since. I have no problem watching the same movie at the theatre and then on reg tv, just like I can watch old reruns in either color or black and white, no problem switching back and forth. Its just not natural to watch wide screen on tv.
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If you have a 4:9 TV then fullscreen is best, if you have a 16:9 TV then widescreen is best.

I think in around 5 years from now the TV landscape will be drastically different. All TV stations will broadcast a digital signal and widescreen TVs will be even cheaper and more plentiful then they are today.

In 5 years time KIA will probably have a 16:9 TV because they're so cheap and he will love the "wide" aspect.
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Let us take it a step back further KIA, in a time when there wasn't any TV's at all. But then someone along the way forced those darn TV's on the sheep allowing you to join the group and view it in standard format. You have to appreciate the move towards higher level of electronic devices, albeit not quite the sheep forming that you suggest. Remember bata vs vhs, and right now you are seeing a plasma vs LCD, the sheep will decide which succeeds, and technology will be based off of that.
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What about dem bastards that forced electricity down our throats?

Do you think I can go out and buy a house that doesn't have electrical hookup? Not bloody likely.

:? :? :? :?
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Shi Zi Mi wrote:What about dem bastards that forced electricity down our throats?

Do you think I can go out and buy a house that doesn't have electrical hookup? Not bloody likely.

:? :? :? :?
you people are being (not very smart). Everyone has the choice not to buy something, or use something. Nobody forces anyone to watch wide screen, one can alway choose no tv, or no electricity, etc. It is different when something is being taken away, something that has been around for 5 decades, something that we have invested money in.

To equate Rammer bringing up tv in the first place, it would be only valid if it were something along the line of people invest in phonographs, then all the record producing companies decide they are going to stop making records and do tV instead, yet even that is not quite the same.

To equate to electricity, it would only be valid if everybody invested in gas furnace then were told there would be no gas, have to use electricity instead, or freeze.

As to the Beta VHS wars, it would only be a valid point if Beta had been the one used for 50 yrs, then for some reason everybody decided to go VHS instead.

Take the horse and buggy, are we still allowed to use horse and buggy on city streets, or were people forced to give that up for cars?? That must have ticked many people off back then, justifiably.

It is not that one is forced to use the new thing but when the old thing is taken away that is so bad. When the new can co exist with the old, then I have not much problem, except when I go to my in-laws.

I will not use wireless keyboards and mouse but I have no problem with their existance, until they are forced on me by the dissappearance of wire.

I have both wireless and wire phones, but I will be some pissed if I am ever forced to go totally wireless. For one thing, the wired ones are the only onces that still work in power outage, besides cell phones. I also have two cell phone, but will be some pissed if I am ever forced to only have cell phones. It is all about the right to choose to be "old fashioned" and stick to that which you are used to for many yrs and like. If I wanted, I should always still be able to use rotary phones.

For those that love your suv, big trucks, etc, how would you like to find out that all you can get now is smart cars. Yet at least with that, there would be good environmental benefit and reason.

As for the sheep thing, anyone who has any understanding of human nature knows that while many choose wide screen because they really like it better and have been waiting yrs to be able to see it on TV, many more just are going along with the trend. Sheep. Latest "in" thing. In many circles, if you dont soon go wide screen, it will be like "whats wrong with you", ect. Also, it allows people to brag about their new tv at the office, etc. Sheep.

Sheep sheep sheep

I point to Disco as proof. When it was new, it was so popular, you were a minus if you were not into it. Then some idiots came along and bashed disco, had a big disco record breaking event at a baseball stadium, and low and behold, the same people loving disco were now dissing it, and continue to be ashamed of their enjoyment of it. Why, because it became unpopular, they were told it was bad and they were a minus to like it, so they "crossed over". Sheep

Sheep sheep sheep
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Well I'm going to shock KIA and do an about face on my earlier posting.

My earlier posting was mainly directed at movies. I MUCH MUCH prefer movies in widescreen format.

However, when it comes to watching the latest episode of King of Queens, give it to me in standard format. I don't really need to watch ER in widescreen (Heck I don't even need to watch ER period).

What I like are the big cinematics - which is generally reserved for movies.

So while I am not "anti" wide screen - I do agree that with for my regular watching of CSI, just give me the whole screen. But for movies, I want the whole picture, and that means widescreen.

But I also have a 6' DLP projection TV, so it's a moot point ;)
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Would like to add my two bits to this mutli-person rant.

Widescreen TV's are fine as long as what is on them is presented in a matching format i.e. a 16x9 (widescreen) ratio screen should be showing a 16x9 ratio program. As someone who shows movies for a living (both film and video projection) it really, really bugs me to see a 4x3 ratio show stretched to fill a 16x9 ratio screen making even Celine Dion seem very wide.

KIA, I understand your frustration with the letter box black bars at the top and bottom but I'm sure you will agree that seeing it stretched would look even worse.
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speaking as a filmmaker, i actually call fullscreen dvd's 'crop-o-vision' and has little to do with 'the latest and greatest' products...

widescreen dvd's are best because you are actaully seeing the full-frame of the image. basically what the filmmaker wants you to see. basically the way it was intended to be viewed.
if you do not have a widescreen tv, it is worth it to suffer through the blackbars as you will see the whole image.

here are some examples. inside the yellow box is the fullscreen image and you can get an idea what youre missing when the image is cropped for the fullscreen version of the dvd.






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