2019 Canadian Federal Election Thread

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Which party will you vote for in the 43rd Canadian general election on October 21, 2019?

Poll ended at Mon Oct 21, 2019 6:18 pm

Liberal (Justin Trudeau)
Conservative (Andrew Scheer)
New Democratic (Jagmeet Singh)
Bloc Québécois (Yves-François Blanchet)
No votes
Green (Elizabeth May)
People's (Maxime Bernier)
Total votes: 10
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At a blink of an eye, the next Canadian federal election has arrived in a month on Oct. 21. Are you satisfied with Justin Trudeau for the last four years and will you intend to re-elect him? If not, which other candidate will you vote for?

PM Trudeau's recent photo in Time Magazine certainly may have tarnished his image. Don't know if that's enough for Liberal supporters to change their mind on which party they will support though.

Last edited by Robbie on Fri Oct 21, 2022 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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There are two aspects to this. Some make this out to be case of Trudeau being a racist. I don't really buy that. The other is that it does reflect some poor judgement. However, I look back to when I was in my 20's and honestly I don't think I would have even thought about how that might be seen as offensive. Doesn't mean it isn't but there are a lot of things I didn't know in my 20's that I do now. Does it mean he did something stupid 20 years ago....sure. Who among us didn't do some stupid things when we were younger. On the practical side however, you can't really argue that internationally, this impacts his abilities as a statesman. Since this has gotten international play, imagine how he might be starting from a position of weakness when visiting Arab states or Africa. Regardless, I wasn't going to vote for him this time around. I'm not thrilled with the pipeline issue and I was disappointed with his proportional rep. walk back. This issue wouldn't have been enough to change my vote had I been voting for him and for those who have decided already to vote his direction, I do doubt that this is going to have a impact on them. The problem of course is that there are quite a few undecided's in play. How this registers with them, well who knows. For minorities, I guess the question would really be who would you rather be in power? The Libs or the Cons? I'm not a person of colour but at the end of the day I suspect that the Libs would be seen to be more sympathetic to minorities than the CPC.
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Personally I think this has blown way out of proportion. This was 18 years ago and the theme was Arabian Nights. Who hasn't done things in their past which is politically incorrect nowadays ?
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I wonder how it would be if the book Black Like Me came out today. Totally anti racist book but...
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Robbie wrote:
Fri Sep 20, 2019 6:18 pm
PM Trudeau's recent photo in Time Magazine certainly may have tarnished his image. Don't know if that's enough for Liberal supporters to change their mind on which party they will support though.

The man who says he sent the infamous blackface photo of Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau to Time magazine said he did so because the "Canadian public had a right to see it."

Vancouver businessman Michael Adamson:

Vancouver businessman Michael Adamson wrote:"Earlier this month I communicated with a reporter from Time Magazine regarding the existence of a photograph showing Justin Trudeau wearing Brownface at an event while he was a teacher at West Point Grey Academy."

"As a past member of the WPGA community, I had been aware of gossip surrounding the existence of this photograph and was in a position to provide a copy of it from the school yearbook to the Time reporter"

"My decision to provide it to Time Magazine was motivated solely by the belief that the Canadian public had a right to see it"
Last edited by Robbie on Fri Oct 21, 2022 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Clearly struck by a moment of patriotism. I don't care that he brought it to the public's attention but let's not insult people by trying to put some kind of altruism motive on it. I'm guess that he leans Conservative which is just fine, just call it for what it is.
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Sir Purrcival wrote:
Fri Sep 27, 2019 6:34 pm
Clearly struck by a moment of patriotism. I don't care that he brought it to the public's attention but let's not insult people by trying to put some kind of altruism motive on it. I'm guess that he leans Conservative which is just fine, just call it for what it is.
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That dude who released it when he did did not do it for any reason other than to promote the Conservative Party.

This is a media fuelled frenzy that ignores the times and the reality of blackface in Canada.

If you know the history of blackface in Canada this is not a surprise.
Oh and one of the Indian gentlemen next to Trudeau in one picture said no one batted an eye at the time. Aladdin was kind of a hot movie or something.

Older woman on CBC radio lives in Peterborough where they used to make Aunt Jemina mixes etc and people dressed in blackface every year at some festival. The older woman can name names of those wearing blackface.

How come on one worries about the old movies where whites play Asians and native Indians and no one bats any eye.

https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/ ... blackface/

No one said anything when Stephen Harper dressed up in war paint and head dress:

https://www.google.com/search?q=stephen ... GNM:&vet=1

No one at the party had a second thought:

"It wasn’t considered inappropriate at the time, and I say that because if it had been considered inappropriate the school would never have allowed it,” he said.

“Somebody would have stopped it."

https://globalnews.ca/news/5925961/trud ... er-school/
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Black History Month: Aunt Jemima Kitchens and a history of southern nostalgia in Toronto

"The use of “Aunt” in consumer culture began in 1889 when Chris Rutt, a St. Joseph, Missouri, flour-mill operator, produced a ready-mix pancake batter, which he sold without a name. After Rutt attended a minstrel show where a duo, performing in blackface and drag, sang a song and dance called “Aunt Jemima” while wearing an apron and a red bandana, he decided to use this image for his product. The “red-bandana-wearing Black woman as cook,” who personifies so-called southern hospitality, became Aunt Jemima."

http://spacing.ca/toronto/2018/02/09/bl ... a-toronto/
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Quebecer's have have a bit of a different take on it culturally as well, even today so let's not forget that for all his westcoast time, JT is pretty Quebecois. Again, not defending but if the Con's really think this is the issue to turn an election on, then their election strategists are deluding themselves.
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So for those who chose to watch the third Federal Leaders' Debate last night instead of MNF, has this changed your decision?

Who intends to watch the possible final debate on Oct. 10?
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No, in fact, it seemed rather embarrassing to watch all of them (especially the two front runners) who are auditioning for the top job in this country conduct themselves more like school children than national leaders. I thought that Singh might have come off looking the best and as usual, I thought May spoke well but is largely ignored. As for Scheer, I was very disappointed with the name calling right off the bat. It is rich that he calls someone else phony when he has a least a few examples in his own closet where he is less than forthright. Let he who is without sin.....
As an incumbent, Trudeau did about as well as you can expect being the person with the record to attack. He survived it without any more damage than he had going in which isn't to say he convinced people to vote Liberal. Frankly, I think most people didn't get much of anything out it except confirmation of whatever there prior biases were.

Not really that surprising regarding debates. I think I can count on one hand, debates that had a huge impact on poll numbers and outcomes.
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so if NDP and Greens were to actually get more seats between them than either the Libs or the Cons, could they get together and form govt?

not that I expect this scenario but...
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Consensus today from my friends was that the format was totally flawed with the revolving door of moderators and the remote/crowd questions. That format was clearly a horse designed by a committee and it came out not looking like a camel.

I think the media learned a lesson from that.

It's better that these leaders simply go in front of the cameras and make their policy views known and take questions.

What I see from these media events after these party announcements are a lot of horrible "journalists" with gotcha questioning. I"m not speaking of the usual beat reporters but some strange ones who don't work for big media.

For someone to call Trudeau a fake, phoney but whose record of questioning the patriotism of others with dual citizenship is plain and simply disingenuous. Andrew Scheer put out an attack on the former Gov. General Michaëlle Jean on her appointment back in 2005. Asked his constituents if they were okay with her being a Canadian and a French national and then asked in a follow up if it would be better if she held Canadian and American citizenship. And he didn't disclose his status.

Scheer asked if he registered at 18 for Selective Service (the draft ) and said his parents/father handled his stuff back then and said he had to check. Immediately after that he admitted he had registered. Think of it. If you're American you freaking well know if you're registered as it's a legal requirement for them. To blame your parents at 18 is phoney.

But I'm more worried about policies than that and the Conservative platform is nonsense for the most part on the major issues even though part of me likes his tax break lol - that I don't need. I favour the Liberal changes to the Basic Personal Allowance that it said to be very favourable to the lower income group.
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This is an independent analysis by a UBC prof on the Liberal basic allowance cuts versus the Tory tax cut.

http://blogs.ubc.ca/kevinmilligan/2019/ ... al-amount/

"My efforts here should not be interpreted as an endorsement of your party or its proposal by me, my employer, or any institution to which I am affiliated.

The main finding of my analysis is that the proposal to expand the Basic Personal Amount will remove about 690,000 Canadians from paying federal income taxes by 2023, and lift 38,000 Canadians above the poverty line (MBM).

I also show that Canadians from all family income groups benefit from this tax cut and provide a comparison to the recent tax cut proposed by the Conservative Party of Canada."

Table 1: Impact of BPA increases on people
2020 2021 2022 2023
Decrease in people under MBM poverty line 26,800 29,800 35,700 38,000
Decrease in people paying federal income tax
Total 339,100 473,100 542,800 693,400
of which: women 204,400 281,000 318,000 401,200
of which: men 134,800 192,200 224,900 292,300
of which: seniors 142,900 201,200 226,800 275,700
of which: youth (18-29) 57,500 75,000 86,400 112,400

Comparison: Conservative Party of Canada “Universal Tax Cut”
Decrease in people paying federal income tax
Total 0 16,700 43,100 60,400
Estimates by Kevin Milligan, Professor of Economics, University of British Columbia
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