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Re: F-35 Up, Up and Away?

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 10:19 am
by Blue In BC
Just got back from vacation where I met a current Air Force Major ( non pilot ). I had a discussion about his perspective on the issue without trying to get any sort of what the best option was pse se. Nevertheless he made some interesting points.

One aircraft I thought might be a good choice was the F22 but he said the US won't sell them because of the stealth techology involved.

Anyway. He made some interesting comments about some options. Essentially he made some points is that any aircraft is not necessarily totally made in the country of origin. There are myriads of considerations about what other country might sell the engine, wings, missiles etc and ship to the ultimate builder. Even a given builder might have various plants in several countries.

So it came down to where jobs are placed as part of the entire purchase. Things like the compatibilty of weaponry and the ability to perform in various environments in similar ways to our allies such as the UN.

I think he mentioned the Super Hornet as a good possible choice although I'm not sure exactly why. Someone above mentioned this option as well.

It will be interesting to see what is ultimately chosen.

Re: F-35 Up, Up and Away?

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:15 am
by Blue In BC
I think any new aircraft will have a lot of unknowns. Everything from initial cost projections to fixing early design issues, maintenance over the service lifetime.

I agree that Canada's role in any future conflict falls more into a support role ( still dangerous ) and that can / should impact the requirement necessary.

Interesting comments about the F22 but that's probably to be expected. Even so the USA will end up with most dangerous planes in the air and among the best trained pilots in any air conflict. I have heard that Canadian pilots have often ranked as good or better than the best the USA can put in the air.

While I support our military and understand the need, it doesn't change the dream of not needing to put ourselves in harms way.

Re: F-35 Up, Up and Away?

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:33 am
by Toppy Vann
Not sure what the options are but they should reflect our policy that says we aren't out attacking other countries for no no national interests.

As far as China fighting over Taiwan I seriously doubt that would ever occur. TW is one of the 3 top agenda items in the PRC but the other two for China trump any sort of war and they are continued economic growth for 1.3 billion people and social stability in a vast country with many issues. If anything China has a hollowing out strategy for TW that is seeing vast numbers of people and business moving into the mainland. China has suffered in war a lot and it is just not in their psyche to be aggressive.

Econ. powerhouses have not fought each other since WW 2 as they have too much to lose.