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Did you know

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:46 pm
by KnowItAll
that Sinatra had enough reason and anger to have jack and robert kennedy killed.

and of course he had the mob connections to have it done.

Hey, its as good a theory as any, ehh

Re: Did you know

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:56 pm
by MacNews

Re: Did you know

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:35 pm
by Lion Guy
So did Castro. So did the CIA. So did Johnson. So did Khrushchev. So did the Mafia on their own. So did Hoffa.

Re: Did you know

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:42 pm
by KnowItAll
MacNews wrote:Source?
the rat pack movie of course :wink:

Re: Did you know

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:38 pm
by In Ur Face
The reason for his assisination goes much further than you all think. I have done deep research into this matter.
I feel it was the high degree Masons. If you see the digram of where he got shot its to do with Masonary and also
he wanted to get rid of the federal reserve ..He wanted the money to go back to the people and people control of it.
Back then everyone thought it was a Government run agentcy. My views are my own others have theirs. What ever
the reason for his assination ..He was the only president that was for the people the only real president that wasnt being
run by the puppetiers as of these days. He was the real deal ....and we will always recognize you and the human and good
person and your family was. I feel the world would be in a better place if he had his term and not taken from us.

Re: Did you know

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:59 pm
by WestCoastJoe
Lion Guy wrote:So did Castro. So did the CIA. So did Johnson. So did Khrushchev. So did the Mafia on their own. So did Hoffa.
It was the CIA, with the support of the southern anti-Kennedy connection, centered in New Orleans and Dallas. Dulles held a grudge over the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Dulles' brother was Mayor of Dallas, where the parade route was changed at the last minute to move very slowly past the book storehouse and the "grassy knoll."

It ain't that hard to get 3 shooters to take out a guy in an open convertible. It does take connections to get them out of town after, to kill Oswald and Ruby, and to cover-up the whole thing. Nice bonus is to get your good ole boy, Johnson, into the White House.

Source: New Orleans prosecutor Jim Garrison, the only man to bring anyone to trial in the Kennedy assassination.

Guess who headed the Warren Commission, which did such a great job of covering it up?

None other than Allen Dulles, who had been head of the CIA. Very nice, tidy package.

JFK had lots of enemies. But for this one, you needed help at the highest levels.

Alternative Scenario ... Ummmm ... Aliens did it. :wink:

Or possibly Joe DiMaggio who never forgave JFK and Bobby for messing with his woman, Marilyn Monroe. :wink: