Roger Clemons

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Do You Believe Roger is Innocent or Guilty of using Steroids?

Steroids Smaroids, most highend athletes use them
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Well Roger Clemens interview aired yesterday, and he denies ever using steroids, only B12 injections and such, what do you think?
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I would also like to point out that he has now set himself up to be questioned by taking this position and apparently he will offer more today via the internet. I think that he should have just let it slide away, rather than give the Bill Clinton act, pointing his finger to deny, subtly attack his accuser.

On the other hand, this Mitchell character is a card, apparently he asked RC if he could borrow (RC lent him his fishing gear) his fishing gear two days prior to going public with this accusation.
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Defending himself in this video.

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Sorry, I don't believe him for a moment.
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TheLionKing wrote:Sorry, I don't believe him for a moment.
One guy accusing him with no tangible evidence, you have to think that Roger may be clean based on the source of information here.
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I think that he should have just let it slide away, rather than give the Bill Clinton act, pointing his finger to deny, subtly attack his accuser.
When the report first came out, I figured that I would give it more weight than any deniers, unless they filed a defamation suit. So, I'm on the fence until it goes to court.

IIRC, Bo Jackson was accused of using, but the claim was immediately retracted when Jackson threatned legal action.

The legal route is really the only realistic way for someone like Clemons or Jackson to clear their names, so I'll wait until we hear some sworn testimony.
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Personally, I believe him only because he's going to so many measures to prove his supposed innocence.
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So, we are supposed to believe that the trainer in question (Brian McNamee) was telling the truth about Andy Petitte, but lying about Clemens? Riiight.

First things first -- all drugs cheats lie about their drug use. It's a given - Floyd Landis, Flo-Jo, Rafael Palmiero, Barry Bonds, the list goes on and on. They all deny it, and if caught red handed will usually try the old, "someone spiked my supplements" routine. Please - it's just so insulting to hear that *poop*. It's like having a kid give you the, "they aren't mine -- I'm holding them for a friend" line. Never do you hear an athlete coming clean and saying, "Yeah, I did it. I wanted to be the best, wanted a competitive edge, so I did it because everyone else was also." Now THAT I could respect.

Question -- did you once hear Clemens during that taped phone call last week say that he didn't do drugs? Did he once directly accuse McNamee of lying? No and no. Clemens was simply trying to muscle McNamee into recanting his testimony.

I don't hold any particular grudge against Clemens regarding his drug use -- he was just doing what everyone else was doing at the time. What I do resent is being lied to and taken for a fool by him when he issues the kind of lame, clumsy, non-denial denial he has rolled out lately.
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Something doesn't smell right with Clemens story but without real proof you can't really say. I know if someone said something ficitious about myself I would immediate respond with a statement not wait a while. He also never called McNamee a liar that I recall.
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I guess this settles the issue without a doubt.... :tease:

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Just a matter of time before someone post something on youtube. :lol:
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Watched some of the testimony before Congress today.

The politicians all have their agendas.

Clemens wanted the hearing. Congress felt it was unnecessary. Clemens had met with some of the Senators individually in the last few days, at his request.

Some of the politicians went after McNamee quite strongly, calling him a liar and drug dealer.

Elijah Cummings, a Congressman, told Clemens that Andy Pettite's corroborating testimony of McNamee's claims was very compelling, and made Clemens look like he was not telling the truth.

A poll by CNN showed

36% thought McNamee was telling the truth.

19% thought Clemens was telling the truth.

Having watched the testimony, IMHO, I am thinking Roger did take the steroid and HGH shots from McNamee.

Both sides admitted that Roger's wife took a steroid shot, or shots from McNamee. This is only pertinent in terms of context.
Last edited by WestCoastJoe on Wed Feb 13, 2008 4:08 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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WestCoastJoe wrote:Watched some of the testimony before Congress today.

You watched some it eh, on what channel!?!?!? I spotted it on Sportsnet, TSN, Newsworld, CNN and the Score :lol: Must be a big deal with that kinda coverage.

What I hate about these is its more about the question than the answer. They spend minutes asking a question and cut him off when he started answering because he wasn't answering the PART of the question they wanted an answer to. It just doesn't seem like answers are really being looked for.
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notahomer wrote:You watched some it eh, on what channel!?!?!? I spotted it on Sportsnet, TSN, Newsworld, CNN and the Score :lol: Must be a big deal with that kinda coverage.
Yup. It was on many channels. Roger looking guilty or innocent, depending on the viewer's predisposition. McNamee looking guilty, not of lying about Clemens, IMHO, but of all the crummy things he did giving shots to athletes.

And the Congressmen sure like to use any question period to give long politically self-serving statements with a little question in there at the end.

Still it was interesting drama.

Hall of Fame for Roger? Perhaps they need a special wing: Hall of Shame. Or Hall of Fantastic Players Who Did Bad Things Off the Field. Or Hall of Fame: Steroid Wing. Hall of Fame: Gambling Wing, etc. First inductee: Pete Rose. And bring Ty Cobb over from the regular Hall. Next inductee: Barry Bonds. After him: Roger Clemens, whenever he retires.
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