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Yahoos at BC Place Stadium

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 12:34 am
by TheLionKing
Those of you who were at the game tonight or listen to it on the radio know that there were at least 3 fights in the stands. Who are these yahoos that like to disrupt these family events ? Are they just people who's had too much to drink or as Daved Benefield said on the post game show that Vancouver has a larger quota of these yahoos than other cities ? Any thoughts how to curb these idiots ?

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 12:38 am
by Canuck_4_Life
The fight in the east endzone was not surprising. The one over in Sec 15 or whatever, definitely was.

My take: pre-season game, regular ticket holders gave their tickets to someone else, and there must've been a lot of free tickets given out.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 12:49 am
by TheLionKing
What about the idiot that ran down onto the field and try to trip the referee (according to the radio broadcast). He looked absolutely plastered. I would like to see these guys banned from future events and fined $2,000.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:04 am
by Rammer
TheLionKing wrote:What about the idiot that ran down onto the field and try to trip the referee (according to the radio broadcast). He looked absolutely plastered. I would like to see these guys banned from future events and fined $2,000.
That dude was at our tunnel entrance calling to a buddy for 5 minutes, glad to see him end up on the turf by the Rider player in short order. I would say that he had a few, not sure that absolutely plastered would be the description, though.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:08 am
by B.C.FAN
I didn't notice any fights in the stands but I did notice a lack of security in the stands and on the field. The timekeeper had to go over and practically drag the only security guard on the field toward the Riders bench when the yahoo was tackled by the Rider players.

Re: Yahoos at BC Place Stadium

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 6:47 am
by lion24
TheLionKing wrote:Those of you who were at the game tonight or listen to it on the radio know that there were at least 3 fights in the stands. Who are these yahoos that like to disrupt these family events ? Are they just people who's had too much to drink or as Daved Benefield said on the post game show that Vancouver has a larger quota of these yahoos than other cities ? Any thoughts how to curb these idiots ?
no, it is not just Vancouver, i have gone to many games at Commonwealth and there always seem to be an incident in the stands and one night i took the park and ride and two morons got out of their cars and started fighting at the traffic lights?? :roll: :roll: I don't think it is alcohol as i can drink a fair amount and not feel the need to beat the heck out of someone (i couldn't anyway :lol: ). I think a lot of times it is non football fans that have been given tickets and really could care less that a game is going on. My other favorite fan is the one that goes and talks about everything other than football all game and really does not watch the game at all :bang: :bang:

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 8:02 am
by Sharpo
no one wants to holepunch tickets (one punch per beer served)

Fights will continue.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 10:22 am
by DerekDD
Yep with booze being served. It goes along with it. And too much $ is made off of that, so it won't stop.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 10:28 am
by maddeep73

I didn't notice any fights in the stands but I did notice a lack of security in the stands and on the field. The timekeeper had to go over and practically drag the only security guard on the field toward the Riders bench when the yahoo was tackled by the Rider players.

Yup. This was a pathetic response from security. It took forever for them to show up. You couldn't even see their presence at all. The timekeeper and Rider players were doing their job for them.

What's most concerning is that any yahoo wannabee who saw that may think they can jump on and jump off the field with ease in the future.

A message should always be sent early in the year that if you jump on, you get tackled, your arms wrenched and a trip in the paddy wagon. End of trouble.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 10:46 am
by SJ46
They are not going to stop serving beer. Lots of beer = stupidity & fights. So they just have to pay for more security. I know people who won't go to the Lions games because of the drunks.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 10:56 am
by darnellclash
Like a lot of fans I enjoy having beers during the game, sometimes I get smashed if I am with a few of the boys, but none of us have ever come close to fighting...I don't blame it on booze - these guys are morons to beging with, sure the booze might give them a little more confidence. What bothers me is the fact they still get served when they are in that condition, if you get so drunk at the game that you are being escorted out shirtless after a fight - I blame the servers for not speaking up when these guys are back at the beer stand.

And I agree that most of this is started by young kids who are there for more of a drinking event rather than the love of the game.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:01 am
by Black99GT
anyone who jumps onto the field or team bench areas should get a LIFETIME Ban from the Stadium...or do they already? or is it just a yearly ban?

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:13 am
by TheLionKing
Don't think there is a ban in place. Last year any people caught running onto the field gets a $1,000 fine. They don't get a chance to stay at the Paris Hilton Crowbar hotel where Big Bubba is awaiting for them.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 2:26 pm
by CB123
What about the idiot that ran down onto the field and try to trip the referee (according to the radio broadcast).
Yeah it happened, I saw the entire thing. the guy was standing right next to me (im on the aisle), and then he ran down, jumped over the rail and sorta creeped upto the ref, and just took him out at the knees. Then a Rider player started punching him. The time keeper had to hold him down (well the guy actually just lied down on the ground after he did it, he wasnt even trying to get away) till security came.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 5:17 pm
by Bosco
What really surprised me was the fact that there was a shirtless guy in Section 15, and it wasn't Ballistic Bob! :lol: