2007 Felions Announced

Photo Gallery of some of BC's Hottest young women ... the FeLions!

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No Robbie we have not recieved any info about cheer extravaganza. In fact we wont recieve any information for quite some time. We start learning our greycup routine mid season but we recieve the details right before we leave. . . . and yes you are right - no parkas this year!!! Hehehe.

Also just to touch up on the calander topic - I dont believe there will be a fold in the middle of the picture this year. I could be wrong but I think they were trying to stay clear of that as well. Our calander launch party is at tonic on the night of the 13th. I cant wait to see it - or my picture for that matter. Hope to see you all there supporting us.
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Damn skippy I will be there on the 13th Christa! Have a few friends coming as well. Wouldn't miss it for the world.

Will see you there, and will have plenty to report back here after no doubt.

I would also like to add that while I might be a new MVP, I do appreciate that you are on here representing the Felions as an insider voice. That you for taking the time to interact with us fans, and contributing to the message board/this thread :D

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It's sad to see that Crystal won't be returning either.

http://www.canada.com/theprovince/story ... c4f357a760
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Hi Christa,

After competing to be selected as a Felion and then again to be selected to go to the Mayan Reviera, it looks like you ladies will have one final level of competition amongst yourselves. According to:


The CFL has decided to revive the Miss Grey Cup pageant, an old Grey Cup festival tradition that ran from 1953 to 1991. Assuming the event will be held the same way as it was when it was held, then it means that you will have to nominate one Felion amongst yourselves to be Miss BC Lion who will be competing against the seven other nominated members of the other teams to see which one will be crowned Miss Grey Cup. You can see a list of past Miss BC Lions at:


Wow - exciting - this year is full of new things :yes:
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ChristaMichelle wrote:Are any of you going to the greycup dinner next weekend???
Hi Christa, let's hear your experiences from this event. We know what the players' Grey Cup ring looks like. Perhaps you can provide a picture of the version that was provided to the Felions.

I'm assuming only the Felions who were on the 2006 squad receive them, correct? That means the newly arrived 2007 Felions won't get them. But since many of the 2006 Felions aren't returning, I'm assuming that several of them couldn't attend the ceremony last night. Did they entrust you to give them their rings?

I think almost all the girls were there last night from the 2006 season - some of the new girls from this season were there as well helping out. I will send you a picture of our rings when I get a chance. They are more of a commemorative ring than an authentic greycup ring. The guys rings are beautifully HUGE. I think I would be wearing that around my neck. LOL - anyways it was a great night and it was nice to see all the girls from last year. We had an amazing night.

Just curious if other cheer teams have ever received Grey Cup rings. Did Edmonton's Cheer team get one in 2005? That's cool that you guys get them.
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Hey Christa, can you confirm or deny that the Calendar Launch party has been postponed? If so, are you aware of the new location and date? Thanks, appreciate the heads up! Glad to hear you had a good time @ the dinner. Were you a contributor to the cash stash given to Camille for eatting the giant carrot? haha



Hahaha - yes i was apart of the cash stash - how did you find out about that - facebook??

Yes the calander launch has been postponed - I do not know when it will launch but I do believe we will be selling it at the first game on the 15th. Look for more details regarding the launch party soon. I will try to keep you updated.
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ChristaMichelle wrote:Hahaha - yes i was apart of the cash stash - how did you find out about that - facebook??

Yes the calander launch has been postponed - I do not know when it will launch but I do believe we will be selling it at the first game on the 15th. Look for more details regarding the launch party soon. I will try to keep you updated.
haha, well yes, Facebook, and also chatting with Camille on msn yesterday. Brandi also filled me in. Looks and sounds like it was a fun night for you all!

It's too bad about the launch party Guess I will see you on the 15th! How am I supposed to wait two extra days for that now Christa? :wink:

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Ain't facebook great? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's like the new Youtube...............
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yeah lol
if u want to add me just search up my name on there lol
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bb_21 wrote:Just curious if other cheer teams have ever received Grey Cup rings. Did Edmonton's Cheer team get one in 2005? That's cool that you guys get them.
The Lions communications director, Jamie Cartmell, told me that when he was with the Eskimos organization, the staff also received a scaled-down version of the Grey Cup ring. So perhaps the Eskimos Cheer team received something similar in 2005.
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