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Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 10:41 pm
by mightybuck
What team does Elway own Mightybuck ?
He owns the colorado crush. Interesting name since the broncos for awhile had a nickname of the orange crush back when they wore those orange jerseys -

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:14 pm
by maddeep73
I am pretty sure he owns the Denver team. Jon Bon Jovi owns the Jersey team.
And let me guess...

Trump owns the New York side?
Spielberg owns the L.A. team?
Ted Turner owns Atlanta?
Gates owns Seattle?

It would certainly be fitting.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:26 pm
by Canuck_4_Life
That's one thing that probably helps the AFL. Name recognition=advertising power.

Last time I heard, John Elway had reached the iconic status in Denver. JBJ needs no introduction.