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Re: Moving the league schedule up a month? No way!

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:09 pm
by B.C.FAN
The weather in Calgary is excellent for the WDF and they have a good crowd on hand. The weather in Hamilton was good for the EDF and they had a sellout crowd. Canadian weather is what it is. There's no reason to move up the season.

Re: Moving the league schedule up a month? No way!

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 10:03 pm
by notahomer
In throes of March CFL (and to a lesser extent NFL :wink: ) football withdrawal, I'd be all for moving up the league schedule a month but that would just mean it ending sooner :dizzy:

I persoanally enjoy all the games. The warm summer nights in late June/early July.... The still sunny but cooler Septembers and even the downpouring rain of the late Octobers/Novembers... That being said, there is no question that many people sitting nearby start having other things to do at various times (summer getaways to the cabin, fall getaways, getting ready for sking etc...).

Personally I think its fine as is. There is no need or reason to worry about the NFL, its a different product. IMO, the NHL is far more a reason to be considering a switch and considering a month earlier is Stanley Cup playoffs.... overall I guess my vote is :thdn: