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Re: Lions 33 - Argos 17 -- Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 9:56 pm
by David
MexicoLionFan wrote:With our D talent, Washington should be generating more turnovers...2 of the 3 we got tonight were late in the 4th Q against a dead tired and desperate team. Next week at home versus SSK, we need to have better O and D game plans if we are going to win, its really that simple. And honestly, until Jones figures out how to run this offence, Lulay is better served on the sidelines for now.
I love your contributions MLF but I think you are being negative toward the Lions' D and harsh on Mark Washington. I've felt we've been somewhat more conservative and less attack oriented for the most part on D this year, but thought Washington had a terrific game plan tonight. They were in RR's grill all night and it was mostly with 4 man pressure. Our schemes were confusing Ray and causing him to hold onto the ball longer than he wanted to or throw the ball away.

Ummm....2 of the 3 turnovers were late in the 4th against a tired team?? The Lions flew right across the country yesterday....and they haven't had a bye week yet. Not comparing situations necessarily but I don't think you can blame them for getting 2 late turnovers and fault Washington's game plan in a dominating defensive effort. I was just impressed they got two picks on the league's best quarterback - whether he had 4 days to prepare, 7 days, or two weeks.

P.S. I agree with you for the most part on Jones. :beer:

DH :cool:

Re: Lions 33 - Argos 17 -- Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:06 pm
by MexicoLionFan
I hear what you are saying, and for now, I know that you are right, but down the stretch, in the cold, on the road, we are going to have crucial games where we generate turnovers WHEN WE ARE BEHIND in a game. I don't see that from Wash...maybe its there, like a package designed to turn Biggie loose, but again, I don't see it. We have a very good D...great stats, but with our DT play, our MLB play and our corner play, we should be better and generating more turnovers...IMO.

One thing I have noticed this year, is that we have had a very fortunate schedule thus far in terms of who we have played, when and where we have played them. We can't count on that down the stretch.

Re: Lions 33 - Argos 17 -- Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:11 pm
by Coast Mountain Lion
Something not touched on here, on TSN or anywhere else that I know of until this post on the Lion's Facebook page tonight

Apparently this was the 500th regular season win in franchise history, against 500 losses (and 24 ties). Leaving aside the mathematical improbability of hitting such a milestone on such a round figure, the team's all-time record is now at .500 - for the first time in their existence the Lions have now won as many games as they've lost.

Re: Lions 33 - Argos 17 -- Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:19 pm
by MexicoLionFan
Coast Mountain Lion wrote:Something not touched on here, on TSN or anywhere else that I know of until this post on the Lion's Facebook page tonight

Apparently this was the 500th regular season win in franchise history, against 500 losses (and 24 ties). Leaving aside the mathematical improbability of hitting such a milestone on such a round figure, the team's all-time record is now at .500 - for the first time in their existence the Lions have now won as many games as they've lost.
Wow, thanks for sharing that CML..

Re: Lions 33 - Argos 17 -- Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:32 pm
by leo4life
.500 overall all time? Must have been pretty bad before the Wally Bouno era....hes added a ton of wins to that total in the last 10yrs or so

Re: Lions 33 - Argos 17 -- Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:36 pm
by Sir Purrcival
notahomer wrote:
Sir Purrcival wrote:...and then to add salt to the wound, we get a penalty for a Chop block that isn't close to a chop block. Result, 2nd and 25 instead of a first down and midfield, we go out and then the ensuing drive by the Argo's results in a TD. I mean, refs miss things but does the command centre understand the difference between a cut block and chop block? .....

I hear ya Sir P, but IMO, it was a chop block. It was called on the wrong guy (Fabien, IIRC). I was just stunned that it was called simply because the challenge was for PI. I obviously have to a better job of reading/understanding the :rules: because I'm finding I get :dizzy: BAFFLED at one major call a season. This will be the one for 2014. I will admit too that these 'confusing calls' end up being right, so its not the Zebras, its me. Consistency is my mantra with officiating so I guess its something we can expect to see called on other teams too :cool:
Ok, it is good to know that I was watching the wrong player. Didn't see the chop, will have to go back and look at the PVR.

I'm gonna go out on a limb. I think we take 2 of 4 POW Awards. Tim Brown take the Special Teams and Stephan Logan takes the Offensive POW. If one of those two doesn't do it, then I say Bazzie takes the Defensive POW. Maybe an outside shot at 3 POW this week.

Re: Lions 33 - Argos 17 -- Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:44 pm
by David
leo4life wrote:.500 overall all time? Must have been pretty bad before the Wally Bouno era....hes added a ton of wins to that total in the last 10yrs or so
They were. Lowest period was from about '66-'76. Not a single season above :500. Kudos to loyal fans like TheLionKing, BCFAN, WestCoastJoe and Pigskin_53 (and others) who have stuck with the team through thick and thin (a lot of thin! LOL).

DH :cool:

Re: Lions 33 - Argos 17 -- Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:45 pm
by sj-roc
leo4life wrote:.500 overall all time? Must have been pretty bad before the Wally Bouno era....hes added a ton of wins to that total in the last 10yrs or so
We went pretty deep in the hole to begin our existence as a franchise in 1954. Before we made our first Grey Cup appearance in 1963 sporting a 12-4 regular season record, our only other prior winning season was the 9-7 1959 campaign.

After the 1964 championship, we closed out the Empire era with winning records in only five of those last 18 seasons, the first of which didn't come until 1977.

Re: Lions 33 - Argos 17 -- Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:29 pm
by B.C.FAN
David wrote:Lowest period was from about 66-76. Not a single season above :500. Kudos to loyal fans like TheLionKing, BCFAN, WestCoastJoe and Pigskin_53 (and others) who have stuck with the team through thick and thin (a lot of thin! LOL).

DH :cool:
Indeed. Fans who weren't around in the dark days don't realize who good the Lions have been lately. They haven't missed the playoffs in 16 seasons. By contrast, after their first Grey Cup in 1964 they went 12 seasons without a winning record until 1977 and 21 seasons before they won their second Cup in 1985. I was elated in 1969 when they sneaked into the playoffs for the first time in five years with a 5-11 record. That was a high water mark. They went on to miss the playoffs for the next three years.

Re: Lions 33 - Argos 17 -- Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:40 pm
by Blitz
It was another big win for our Leos in what was a defensive battel for most of the game until our Leos broke it open in the fourth quarter. Big plays were a key aspect in our victory over the Argos. Here are some post game thoughts.


Our defense played an outstanding game, as we made Ricky Ray look like a very ordinary quarterback, holding him down to less than 200 yards passing. The Argos offence and Ricky Ray had been on a roll lately, in part due to a more balanced offensive attack and in part due to a defense that was getting good pressure on opposing quarterbacks.

Before this game I wrote, that in order to shut down Ricky Ray and the Argos offence we needed to 1) contain their running game and 2 ) get pressure on Ricky Ray from our front four not risk blitzing Ray to often or with too many defenders and play tight pass coverage.

Credit to Mark Washington for playing the right defensive game plan against the Argos but it would not have been successful without great pressure from our defensive line and they really came through. Taylor and Mitchell got excellent penetration inside, a real key to the pocket passing style of Ricky Ray. It made a huge difference for Alex Bazzie who often beat one on one pass blocking and had a huge game. Bazzie lived in the Argos backfield most of the game and he had four tackles for losses. It was by far our best pass rush game of the season so far - our defensive line played very inspired football and is was motivating to see Khalif Mitchell play his best game of the season.

Sol E. had another excellent game at middle linebacker and Bighill covered recievers like a defensive back, taking away some of the underneath stuff that Ray loves to go to. I often think we should blitz Bighill more but in this game we needed him the role that he did and he did a great job.

We also saw the future as Ronnie Yell played short side corner with aggressiveness and abandon while Lee, at wide side corner had an outstanding game as well. His play on a hitch screen, fighting off an offensive lineman and making a tough tackle was impressive as was his coverage of a well thrown corner pattern - a Ray speciality.

Torri Williams picked up a rough play penalty on an out of bounds hit and also got nailed for an iffy call on a roughing the quarterback but he also had a fumble recovery. Williams was pined in the fourth quarter and he needs to play with more self-discipline but I like his aggressive play - he just needs to tone it down.

Our defense really kept us in this game for three quarters against a very well coached and well led Argo offence. Ronny Yell's Pick 6, on a very athletic play, sealed the deal for our victory.


Going into this game, I believed the key was for our offence to run the football, even with Harris out and we did. Logan ran for 132 yards and was also our leading receiver in terms of number of receptions with 5 cathches for 49 yards. Logan wasn't that far off 200 yards of offence - he had 24 offensive touches for 194 yards and was the key to our offence in this game - impressive. That's depth as well as talent at the tailback position.

Kevin Glenn, playing with an obvious injury, showed his mental toughness and came through most when it counted in the fourth quarter. Courtney Taylor had a huge catch and run play in the game, as did Arsenault in the fourth quarter, converting a skinny post into a huge go ahead touchdown.

A lot has been posted about the timing of Lulay's first entries into a game this season. However, what concerned me more than the timing of his insertions into the game was his natural tendency to not want to throw the football if his primary receiver is covered. There is the 'Good Lulay' and the 'Not So Good Lulay'. The Not So Good Lulay has a huge tendency to hold the football for a split second if his primary receiver is covered and then bail out of the pocker rather than stepping up into the pocket and making a throw. He also has a tendency to leave the pocket even when there is time to stay in there and make a throw.

Obviously, he has a lot of rust and it is unfair to expect a lot at this stage and he needs more reps. However, it has always taken a lot of time to get Lulay to hang in the pocket a split second longer and to be willing to throw to his secondary receivers. If he doesn't find his primary receiver open he turns into a runner. When he overcomes this tendency, he is a quarterback who is excellent at using all of his recievers and he is also a quarterback who can use his legs very effectively to break down a defense by running or throwing on the run. However, I think its going to take a lot of reps before Lulay can settle into the Good Lulay.

I was pleased that Khari Jones stuck with the running game. It helped wear down the Argos defense and most importantly, our Leos win when he commit to run the football. Here is the recipe - our record is 30-2 since 2011 when we run the football more than 20 times in a game.

However our passing attack still struggled too often and the reasons are obvious. First of all we ran the six receiver set/empty backfield too often and got the hell blitzed out of us again whenever we used it and it was ineffective again. The only positive out of the six receiver set was that we used Logan on a succerssful crossing pattern out of it, which was at least a small improvement. Once again we were too slotback and tailback oriented in the passing game and didn't use our outside receivers in Gore, Jackson, and Iannuzzi. We are going to have to diversity our passing attack if we want our passing game to be dangerous.

The non-call on the interference challenge on Iannuzzi was brutal. Either the replay officials at CFL Head Office need to go to an optometrist or its blatant bias. The defender held Iannuzzi for 15 yards and ripped his jersey off his shoulder pads - not impressed plus we also picked up the chop block call. It could have been a key turning point and luckily wasn't.

Finally, there was nothing more frustrating that listening to the number of times the telecast crew mentioned the Argos had played on Tuesday. It was like they wanted to excuse the Argos if they lost or make them into heroes if they won. Our Leos never get that kind of excuse making when we have to play a game after a short week or travel East. But if an Eastern team comes West, all we ever hear from the telecast crew about how tough for an Eastern team to deal with the time zone change but rarely mention it when its a Western team dealing with a time zone change travelling East.


Tim Brown had a heck of a football game. He had 13 touches in the game for 249 yards - quite a performance - his early 69 yard return, in which he was sprung by a key block by Lee was a key play in the first half and his 70 yard return in the fourth quarter was a turning point.

Brown made a case, when Harris returns, that we should be using all three of Harris, Logan, and Brown in our lineup.

Finally, Paul McCallun continues to defy age - his field goal kicking is so solid - while Lui Passaglia was an excellent punter and a very good field goal kicker I think McCallum is the best field goal kicker we have ever had in a Lions uniform - he is so dependable and accurate.


This game reflected our talent and more importantly our tremendous depth. Our new Leos this season continue to impress. Great to see Kevin Glenn move into 8th place all time in passing yards in the CFL and he joins some very elite company at the quarterback position.

Its the Riders next and there are obviously things our team still needs to work on but it was a game with some big, exciting plays - time to savor a Leos victory for a day or two. :thup: :thup:

Re: Lions 33 - Argos 17 -- Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:50 pm
by TheLionKing
Coast Mountain Lion wrote:Something not touched on here, on TSN or anywhere else that I know of until this post on the Lion's Facebook page tonight

Apparently this was the 500th regular season win in franchise history, against 500 losses (and 24 ties). Leaving aside the mathematical improbability of hitting such a milestone on such a round figure, the team's all-time record is now at .500 - for the first time in their existence the Lions have now won as many games as they've lost.
Good grief, I must have been there for a lot of those 500 losses

Re: Lions 33 - Argos 17 -- Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:53 pm
by TheLionKing
Sir Purrcival wrote:
I'm gonna go out on a limb. I think we take 2 of 4 POW Awards. Tim Brown take the Special Teams and Stephan Logan takes the Offensive POW. If one of those two doesn't do it, then I say Bazzie takes the Defensive POW. Maybe an outside shot at 3 POW this week.
I think it's a toss up between John Chick or Alex Bazzie for Defensive Player

Re: Lions 33 - Argos 17 -- Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 12:00 am
by B.C.FAN
Great summary, Blitz. The key to stopping the Argos was to get good pressure on Ray from the front four and the Lions did a tremendous job of that. Bazzie still seems to be getting better every week.

I also was highly impressed with the B.C. secondary, especially with Yell and Lee on the corners. We knew Ray would go after them but they got the last laugh.

Kudos also to Stefan Logan and Tim Brown for stepping up in the absence of Andrew Harris, and to the offensive line for another strong game agains a team that brings a lot of pressure and usually does a good job against the run.

The Lions have won five of their last six and remain the hottest team in the league. If they win next week they'll finally climb out of the West Division basement.

Re: Lions 33 - Argos 17 -- Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 12:01 am
by TheLionKing
Noticed that Benevides has tone down his sideline demeanor. Instead of doing chest pumps with Ronnie Yell who scored a touchdown, Benny just came over and gave him a little hug and said good job.

Re: Lions 33 - Argos 17 -- Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:08 am
by Hawkballer 14
Good win by the boys in the fancy gun metal unis. Bank those two points and get in a good week of work for a big game against those pesky Riders.

I really hope we go back to Kevin Glenn next week, give Travis another week to get back in the swing of things. Is Andrew Harris going to be back, or is he out for the Rider game as well?