Jodi Arias found guilty of Murder 1

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Surprise. Pretty woman does not get away with murder.

I thought maybe Murder 2 or even Manslaughter might be the verdict.

Big case. Right up there with OJ and Casey Anthony. Looks like the jury got it right this time.
South Pender
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Well, we can completely agree on this one, WCJ! What I've found amazing about this trial is its extreme length and the attendant colossal expense--giving this piece of garbage more opportunity to wiggle out than we've almost ever seen with any other defendant. The trial was an appalling case of theater, seemingly designed more to provide the media with months of salacious titillation (taking over entire existing TV shows) than to administer justice. Although I can't support the death penalty, I hope they lock up this malicious, worthless woman for the rest of her life.
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South Pender wrote:Although I can't support the death penalty ...
:thup: Yes, SP, I certainly agree about not supporting the death penalty. Dunno if there is anything for a culture to learn from a highly publicized, highly broadcast murder trial. There might be, although it is a circus ...

I served on a jury for 7 months once upon a time. I was actually the youngest one on the jury, but the Foreman knew I had taken good notes, so he asked me to conduct the deliberations. Happy to do so. We found the two defendants guilty of financial crime: breach of fiduciary responsibility and theft.

However, I would have to disqualify myself from a murder trial, if it involved the death penalty. I couldn't go there. Death to the enemy in defending your country, family, friends and onself, et cetera, sure, but not death penalty in a trial.

Just IMO ...
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Toppy Vann
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I want the death penalty in this case not for Arias but that idiot prosecutor. I used to turn on HLN for a few disgusting moments and that prosecutor who went on and on about nothing - just to be the show as it was on TV is a complete and utter idiot. I am joking of course but I just couldn't grasp where he was going with his nit picking and hair splitting. If it was not an open and shut case as it was - all that crap he kept getting into with her on the stand for 18 days (?) could very easily have led to an error and a loss of the case with the jury. Arias is such a pathological liar that she is easy for a jury to convict.

Now after the verdict this ditz has gone on TV saying she'd prefer to die now vs. a long life in prison. What a moron - if the jury hears that - they might make her a 4th women in that state to sit on death row along with the other 123 or so males.

The death penalty is what one former Oakalla Prison guard who attended BC's last hanging there is disgusting. His view was the public if they wanted that should do the dirty deed not the guards as it was absolutely awful. However now we know through opening up TV that the public (some) actually enjoy it.

Murder by the state seems stupid. The USA is right up there with China in its zest to kill folks. Many ironies in the USA including stats I saw on CNN yesterday that the infant mortality rate in the US is the worst in the first one month of life of all western countries and rivals the third world and again places like China that don't yet have good health care for the poor and rural.

Actually it is now in the USA more costly to try and use the death penalty than to keep the person in prison for life. I think in Arizona if Arias is right she could get natural life. That would seem to be appropriate.

The other interesting case is the Italian case - Amanda Knox ? . Looks like that woman is not yet out of danger of a higher court wanting her re-tried. We do very much get influenced by their appearance in TV and if they are likeable or not. Jury is out on her but not on Arias - she's plain not likeable at all. The bad news though is where the bad folks are falsely accused but they are bad so everyone assumes they did this one.
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WestCoastJoe wrote: ...
However, I would have to disqualify myself from a murder trial, if it involved the death penalty. I couldn't go there. Death to the enemy in defending your country, family, friends and onself, et cetera, sure, but not death penalty in a trial.

Just IMO ...
Don't think you'd have to disqualify yourself. IIRC, one MUST agree with the death penalty if one is going to serve on a jury that could have to find that sentence. The other problem is that pro-death penalty supporters do have a bias (yes, non-death penalty supporters have a bias too! :cool: ) towards convicting.

I couldn't sit on a death penalty jury either. I would NEVER forgive myself if me and eleven other people voted to end a persons life and then evidence later proved we had sentenced an innocent person to death......
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Toppy Vann
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I am not sure if they can ask questions about your views on the death penalty. It would be interesting to know that. I did hear that in that state it must be the 12 jurors voting for death when it comes to that phase. Just need one to dissent. Women will be more easy to persuade to not put someone to death at the hands of the state.

Both sides want a jury they perceive to be influenced to their views. An art in jury selection and after guilt, in those states where the jury decides death, how and who they will want to influence to just get one on their side as in the case in Arizona if I heard that right.

In the USA with the cameras in the courts it is a media circus in high profile cases as both sides get out the stories which I guess we will see in this case. Arias shown to be nice somehow.

They go to jury trials in criminal as jury's as triers of fact can get more easily persuaded to a not guilty verdict than in the USA in a trial where an elected judge is coming up for re-election. Same with the election of the DA. Politics and convictions can get in the way of justice in how they carry this stuff out.

I see in the Cleveland women case the prosecutor is going to try for aggravated murder for the alleged miscarriages forced on one young captive. To me with the evidence and atrocities this dude is surely guilty of - it was his house and he lived alone - this is a slam dunk case of life in prison with no chance ever to be released why go there into the mire and mud of trying to get murder in an abortion sort of case. Why put this young women and her co-captives through the absolute horror or reliving that stuff in public. Without knowing the facts here could it be this be a case of a prosecutor wanting to make a name for himself in this abortion arena versus thinking what is best for these victims.

The best case scenario would be the guy pleading guilty to all charges and sparing these women the horror of going before televised court rooms and having to relive that horror that must have been happening to them. Why the prosecutor wants to enter the abortion waters is beyond me. It certainly can't be to ensure justice for these victims and their families who have to re-integrate into some sort of normal lives.
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