Osama bin Laden

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I have been wondering since the presidents speech almost an hr ago, who would be the first to post when. You win :wink:
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I am so relieved and happy to hear this news! First we got Saddam in 2003 and now Bin Laden in 2011. Bush started the hunt in 2001, and Obama finishes it in 2011. It took 10 years, but justice was served! :beer:
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Obama gets Osama.

Osama was just like the suicide bombers. He had a death wish.

Osama bin Hidin' but not well enough.

It might slow the terrorist activity, as he was a charismatic leader. On the other hand it might help inspire more recruits. Hard to say.

Not good for one's life prospects if you are number one on the US hit list.

Sounds like good intelligence work. Sounds like good work by the special forces.

Very good for Obama's reelection prospects.

Gaddafi does not have anywhere to hide in the deserts of Libya. He better stay away from Command Centres.
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I hope he's happy sitting next to Allah and all those virgins.
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He had it coming but like you WCJ, I wonder what the short term back lash is likely to be. Might have been more strategic to just have said nothing rather than trumpet to the world that the USA has killed a nasty but popular leader that most people believed was likely already dead anyways. But for Obama I guess there is that pesky upcoming election. I'm sure his approval rating is going to see a short term increase. I'm not sure that 10 years is any great endorsement of the "intelligence" services either. That is a long time for the worlds #1 most wanted to evade retribution. Also going to prove difficult and embarrassing for Pakistan and confirms again what most people really believed which is to say that regions of Pakistan, a western friendly nation, are a harbour for terrorism and Islamic radicalism.

Oh well, good riddance to bad Cess.
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I still can't help envision his "burial" as Megatron being dumped into the Laurential Abyss. ;)
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I found his compound on google earth
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woody wrote:I found his compound on google earth
Too late. Navy Seals beat you to it. :wink: :wink:
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Sir Purrcival wrote: Might have been more strategic to just have said nothing rather than trumpet to the world that the USA has killed a nasty but popular leader that most people believed was likely already dead anyways.
Please, Al Queda are going to do their attacks whether we killed Bin Laden or not. To say that the world would be peace and harmony if Bin Laden was alive is, quite frankly, misguided.
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This is an old joke, but nevertheless ...
Latest news reports indicate a cell of 4 terrorists have been operating in Cape Breton. The Police advised earlier today that 3 of the 4 have been detained.

Chief Of Police McPherson declared that the terrorists bin Sleepin, bin Drinkin and bin Fightin have been arrested on immigration issues.

The Police have further advised that they can't find anybody who fits the description of the fourth cell member, Bin Workin. Police are confident that anybody who looks remotely like bin Workin will be very easy to spot in the community.
LOL I laughed back in the day. (Apologies to Cape Breton. Substitute any commuity with a big unemployment issue.)
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MacNews wrote:
Sir Purrcival wrote: Might have been more strategic to just have said nothing rather than trumpet to the world that the USA has killed a nasty but popular leader that most people believed was likely already dead anyways.
Please, Al Queda are going to do their attacks whether we killed Bin Laden or not. To say that the world would be peace and harmony if Bin Laden was alive is, quite frankly, misguided.

Except I didn't say that. I made no comments on the world being in peace and harmony by keeping Bin (Hidin) Laden alive. Quite the contrary, my question was whether it makes great sense to trumpet to the world that you killed him. It isn't like the US is extremely popular to begin with. They are involved in 3 middle eastern combat zones and witness the warnings that they themselves have now issued to all their respective Embassies and such. Sometimes you have to do nasty sh!+, it is another thing to broadcast it about. Discreet is often a better option than "woohoo, we vaped that sucka" especially when many already believed Bin (rotten) Laden was dead anyway. For example, please note how I have avoided commenting too much about a misinterpretation of my post. That is discretion.
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Will Donald Trump now assume the mantle of a "deather," doubting the death of Osama bin Laden?

Many people will doubt his death.

A Pakistani security man took some pictures (about an hour after the Seals left) of the bin Laden followers who were killed in the raid. Of course, even those pictures could be faked, and some will believe and some will doubt (I'm not doubting).

http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/0 ... tml?hpt=T1

Even if the US released pictures and DNA evidence of his death, many would dis-believe it.

It's a crazy world. Crazy things happen. They can be doubted (Man on the Moon). Crazy things don't happen. They can be believed (Roswell).

No wonder there is a Flat Earth Society.

Osama bin Laden was a hero to many people. But I find it hard to credit a man who advocates the killing of the truly innocent: children, the elderly, or anyone who happened to be in the World Trade Center or on those airplanes (many of whom were Muslim). {I know a person whose father worked in the World Trade Center on the 70th floor or thereabouts. He was picking his daughter up at the airport when the planes crashed.} It is amazing how religions, and not just Osama's version of Islam either, can be so inclined to violence.

I guess Osama met his karma.

His death won't necessarily bring closure to the families of the victims, but I think it brings closure to a lot of citizens, especially the young who were students at the time. They've lived with color-coded nataional security warnings and a sense of peril without limit. It seems to me, that although terrorism is not about to go away, people have been getting back to their normal lives. Osama's death helps in that regard.
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The Osama caper is good for the President of the USA and will force the Republicans to find someone better than Pallin who was not even able to finish one term as governor of Alaska before resigning 'for the good of the people'.

Some might recall how Pres. Bush's key guy Donald Rumsfeld was highly criticized for sending 36 troops to rout out Osama way back before they invaded Iraq while a US General with 4000 troops at the ready was told to stand down allowing Osama to walk out and depart for places unknown until now. It was been widely speculated in US media that Rummy did this on purpose as they wanted to invade Iraq and finding Bin Laden too soon would harm that mission.

It was a bold, calculated entry to Pakistan that must have had been schemed and timed to get in without detection and out of the country before the Pakistanis could muster their air force. The USA had to know exactly how to avoid the radar going in and how long it would take once they were detected shooting up the compound for the air craft to get in the air and come hunting for them - something that could have been a huge disaster and loss of life and prestige for the USA.

Legal or not others like the Israelis have done similar like their raid on Entebbe. Even Ross Perot then of EDS who then had lots of ex military got his own armed staff as an assault team to enter Iran and free two of their employees held hostage there on a project and freed them when all else failed. That like this mission were hailed by all. Our own Canadian Ambassador in Iran hid the US staffers likely illegally in Iran and he too is our deserved hero for what he did not to mention a hero to the USA.

I believe in the rule of law but there are times when a country must take action like this. What happened in the compound in the heat of the moment right or wrong resulted in shooting what seems to be an unarmed Osama but in my mind that team was working against at the clock and had no time to negotiate and quite possibly had been warned that the place could be booby trapped to blow all up if they allowed these guys any time at all.

In other words I suspect these Seals were told how many minutes they had to be there and they had to shoot them up and get out fast.

Not telling the Pakistan gov't is as the head of the CIA said is sensible or they'd tip off the target and he'd be gone. My own view is that possibly the compound would have been mined for the landing and the building booby trapped.
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http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2011/05/05/ov ... 11/?hpt=C2

Some comments from the 911 Generation, which grew up with the threat of terrorism very much in their lives.

We are such a nice society, in some ways. There is hand-wringing going on about did Osama resist arrest. Hmmmmmm

http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/cia ... ml?hpid=z1
U.S. officials provided new details on bin Laden’s final moments, saying the al-Qaeda leader was first spotted by U.S. forces in the doorway of his room on the compound’s third floor. Bin Laden then turned and retreated into the room before being shot twice — in the head and in the chest. U.S. commandos later found an AK-47 and a pistol in the room.

“He was retreating,” a move that was regarded as resistance, a U.S. official briefed on the operation said. “You don’t know why he’s retreating, what he’s doing when he goes back in there. Is he getting a weapon? Does he have a [suicide] vest?”
So he sees the Seals, and retreats into the room. There was an AK-47 and a pistol in the room. One might also suspect that there might be an explosive device or two in the room. A booby trap perhaps. Who knows? If he ain't putting his hands up like Saddam Hussein, then I say they have to take him out. Plus he declared war on the U.S. and all of its citizens. How fair are you supposed to play with a terrorist set on your country's destruction? Personally, although I abhor killing, I have no criticism of the mission or the conduct of the Seals.

I feel some relief at his demise. I also think it greatly damages Al Qaeda. He is a leader who will not be easily replaced, if at all.
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