Robert Dziekański and the RCMP Taser Controversy

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Const. Kwesi Millington has been found guilty of perjury and colluding with his fellow officers before testifying. His fellow peer Const. Bill Bentley was was acquitted of perjury in 2013. The tiebreaker will be the verdict given to Const. Gerry Rundel that's still under trial while his superior corporal Benjamin (Monty) Robinson will likely be found guilty as well. Dziekanski's mother is overjoyed.

Some of you wondered whether Kwesi is related to Sean. Well, they do have similar facial features: ... -1.2964744

Speaking of Sean Millington, he is now an Investment Advisor at TD Waterhouse in Richmond. If you really liked Sean Millington, how about showing your appreciation by giving him some business by hiring him if you are interested in investing - if you trust him with your money the same way most trusted him with a football. ... /index.htm
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Const. Kwesi Millington has been sentenced to 30 months in prison for lying to a public inquiry. Maybe justice has finally be served.

That said, one is left wonder exactly how and why Millington's circumstances were different than that of Bill Bentley and Gerry Rundell as the two of them were acquitted even though all three of them were simply acting under orders by their superior corporal Benjamin (Monty) Robinson.
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Robbie wrote:
Fri Feb 20, 2015 8:24 pm
Const. Kwesi Millington has been found guilty of perjury and colluding with his fellow officers before testifying. His fellow peer Const. Bill Bentley was was acquitted of perjury in 2013. The tiebreaker will be the verdict given to Const. Gerry Rundel that's still under trial while his superior corporal Benjamin (Monty) Robinson will likely be found guilty as well. Dziekanski's mother is overjoyed.

Some of you wondered whether Kwesi is related to Sean. Well, they do have similar facial features: ... -1.2964744
In this latest saga, former RCMP Kwesi Millington files new civil lawsuit as he alleges RCMP were negligent and defamatory, resulting in PTSD, depression, anxiety ... -1.4988774

Now, it's been talked about before whether Kwesi is related to Sean Millington and I think most people would say he is but there's no definitive proof. But what I know for sure with 100% certainty is that Sean Millington did have another younger brother who I have personally interacted before - Troy Millington. I met him at UBC campus a few times and for a while he worked at a sporting goods store called Rackets & Runners and would sometimes stop by at a fast food place that I used to work briefly and I would make some small talk with him. He was very sociable and outgoing and he was very tall standing at 6'6", and he told me himself that his brother was Sean Millington.

Troy recently go into a lot of trouble with the law as he has been sentenced to 4.5 years in prison in Calgary for possessing thousands of images and videos of child pornography. ... ornography ... -1.4761930

[Mod Staff - This is possibly defamatory to Sean Millington, associating him with two other people, who may or may not be related to him. Awaiting reaction from other Mods. If agreed, the post will be pulled or edited.]
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This recent example of the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police shows that Canada and the USA are miles apart when it comes to police brutality and protesting.

As I'm posting this, all major U.S. cities are protesting and in some cases rioting and that's a string of similar cases in the last decade in America.

Did Canadian cities have huge protests and riots over the death of Robert Dziekański and Myles Gray at the hands of the RCMP/VPD?
Not at all.
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No but they did have a public inquiry, 2 of the 4 were convicted of criminal charges and it started a national conversation about the use of force in policing. One thing you can say about the RCMP that you can't say about jurisdictions that have their own police forces (OPP or Surete for example) is that when communities rent RCMP services and something happens resulting in policy changes, they have a wide area of effect. Contrast that with the US. Their fragmented, local approach to just about everything doesn't have the same impact when situations happen requiring widespread procedural change. Minneapolis might institute changes that make them the best darn city force in the US for example but it doesn't make a lick of difference in Shreveport or Miami or San Diego. Something to consider when places like Surrey contemplate their own police force for example.
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Robbie wrote:
Fri May 29, 2020 10:38 pm
Did Canadian cities have huge protests and riots over the death of Robert Dziekański and Myles Gray at the hands of the RCMP/VPD?
Not at all.
The coroner's inquest on the death of Myles Gray at the hands of the VPD is happening right now. Any huge protests similar to ones in America like those on the death of George Floyd? Absolutely not. That illustrates that Canada and the USA are indeed miles apart when it comes to protesting police brutality.
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The three Minneapolis officers working with Derek Chauvin have been sentenced as well as they were found guilty of aiding and abetting second-degree manslaughter on the death of George Floyd:

Tou Thou - 4 years and 9 months
Thomas Lane - 3 years
J. Alexander Kueng - 3 years and 6 months

What is rather odd is that according to this body-camera video placed on Tou Thou it looks like Thou was always the farthest away from Floyd. In other words, he never put his hands on Floyd at all unlike Lane and Kueng who physically assisted Floyd in putting him in handcuffs, attempting to place him in the police vehicle, and eventually placing him on the ground. But despite being the farthest from Floyd and never imposed any physical force on him unlike Lane and Kueng, Tou Thou actually got the longest sentence. It's not as if though Tou Thou was the sergeant in charge of the situation in which case he would carry more burden of responsibility and can order his fellow officers to step back. Thou was only a peer to his fellow three officers so why Thou got longer sentences than Lane and Kueng is beyond me.

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