Feedback on the new site provider

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Hi Derek,
Thanks for reviving this site with a new provider.

Hi Everyone,
Let's provide feedback on any problems with this new site provider.

I've noticed one already. If you attempt to link a picture using the [img /img] tags, even if the picture isn't too big and within the acceptable size such as: ... Jersey.png

You immediately get an error message showing:
It was not possible to determine the dimensions of the image. Please verify that the URL you entered is correct.
Last edited by Robbie on Thu May 21, 2020 8:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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In addition, if you try to embed video links using [media /media] such as:

You get a message showing:
You cannot use certain BBCodes: <media>

It looks like existing pictures and videos that were already posted are okay, but not new pictures and videos.
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you are correct but I think that's more of a software issue that will in time be resolved with the next release

I'll try the youtube now because the video you linked to wasn't available

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D wrote:
Fri May 22, 2020 8:51 am
you are correct but I think that's more of a software issue that will in time be resolved with the next release

I'll try the youtube now because the video you linked to wasn't available

Okay, let me know when the next version is released so that both the IMG and MEDIA can be embedded for pictures and videos.

I don't know how you got the YouTube working as for me, I only see the YouTube URL:

And it looks like the member's profile has been diminished as the user's avatar is smaller, and there used to be an entry on number of messages posted, when first joined, and where you are from and all that has been removed as well.
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Just post the YouTube link on its own line
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upload test
You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post.
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link test
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looks like both issues are resolved
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Sometimes the embedded video works but sometimes it doesn't.

It looks like there are two types of URL's that you can do for copy and paste:

1. The URL from the address site on the browser:

2. The URL obtained if you click on the video and select Copy video URL:

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As mentioned just put them on there own line
Robbie wrote:
Sun May 24, 2020 11:09 am
Sometimes the embedded video works but sometimes it doesn't.

It looks like there are two types of URL's that you can do for copy and paste:

1. The URL from the address site on the browser:

2. The URL obtained if you click on the video and select Copy video URL:

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With the picture and media links fixed, then will the user profile information be reinstated?

Beside each user, there used to be information such as:

1. Total Posts
2. Location
3. When first joined

I guess you can still look at the user's profile to see such information:

And in the case of an accidental or double posting, there should be a feature that deletes the entire posting.
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Up until the last few weeks, the site had been very good--posting was much better than pre-2020.

Lately it went from time-out errors before pages load (in both Chrome and Opera). The past few days I noticed some new posts and wondered how they were done. The site is still seriously broken but at least you get pages loaded (barely) and stable enough to post.
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The current software was updated last week but I’ve actually been considering a move to an entirely different software the problem is it would require totally new registration and profiles and all the current content would be lost as there is no patch available to move the current content to the new software I have in mind
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D wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:21 pm
The current software was updated last week but I’ve actually been considering a move to an entirely different software the problem is it would require totally new registration and profiles and all the current content would be lost as there is no patch available to move the current content to the new software I have in mind
In the site's current state of taking forever to load a page and periodic 404 timeouts something has to change. Wiping the site and "starting anew" is very risky, but if the choices are status quo or move to new clean/faster software + host, then I would say do the later.

The number of users who regularly post to this site is pretty low. Provided people are notified (send e-mails if possible) and a familiar look is retained, I think you can get most of the regulars to re-register.
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Lionbackers was one of my "Go-To" sites up until this latest wrinkle. I would check the site each morning and often during the day. Now, it is almost an afterthought to check to see if I can get into the site. If the site is slowly loading, I don't bother continuing with it.

The Lionbackers has been the most thoughtful, insightful and informative CFL fan site that I have found, and I would love for it to continue, especially with the imminent return to CFL Football.

Archiving the current content of the site may provide a way to keep the content handy should a way to incorporate the two sites in the future arise. I'm not a techie, so don't even know if this is a possibility.

While it would be a shame to lose some of the historical postings (especially the educational postings from the VERY knowledgeable participants (you know who you are!), I am more than willing to re-register if that is what it takes to move forward. I would hope that the vast majority of others users feel the same way.
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